Facts and statistics
Population in Inari
Inhabitants 31.12.2020 alltogether 6 861
Inhabitants 31.12.2019 alltogether 6907
Sámi people in 2019 alltogether in Finland 10759 and in Inari 2141
Municipal Economy in 2019
- Municipal income in 2019
- Tax income, total 27,653 mil. €
- State subsidies 23,367 mil €
- Income from operations 9,6 mil €
Income tax in 2021
- percentage 19.0 %
- Real property tax in 2021, percentages:
- --- General 1,35 %
- --- Permanent housing 0,55 %
- --- Other buildings 1,15%
- --- Non-profit communities 0.00 %
Espenditure of the Municipality in 2019
- Municipality/operating expenditure 58.9 mil €
- Municpipality /investments 4.6 mil €
Number of travellers in 2020
- Overnights approx. 368 000 (- 36,2 %)
- Domestic travellers 204 300
- International travellers 163 800
- Travellers arriving Ivalo by flight 114 992 passenger (-52,1 %)
- Travellers arriving by car from Russia to Finland in Raja-Jooseppi 16 593 (-79,5 %) passengers
- Accommodation capacity approx 13 500 bed places
- Occupancy rate approx 50 %
Number of travellers in 2019
- Overnights approx. 576 500 (+3 %)
- Domestic travellers 37 %
- International travellers 63 %
- Travellers arriving Ivalo by flight 239 763 passenger (-1,1 %)
- Travellers arriving by car from Russia to Finland in Raja-Jooseppi 80 864 (+9,2 %) passengers
- Accommodation capacity approx 13 500 bed places
- Occupancy rate approx 50 %
Economic inpact of tourism in Inari Municipality in 2014
(source: Pekka Kauppila & Jarkko Saarinen 2014, Tourism euros and jobs in Inari)
- Direct tourism income 108.7 mil €
- Indirect tourism income 83.6 mil. €
- Impact on municipal economy 2.2-2.6 mil €
- Total employment impact 656 man-years
Read more: Inari Presentation in English.