Counselling and Advice Services

Start up consultation

Inari Business & Development Services provides basic business start-up consultation on practical issues related to establishing a company, finance solutions, development activities, networking and internationalisation. Services are provided for start-ups and existing companies. Basic consultation is free of charge. More in-depth assignments and consultation are subject to a fee.

The main cooperation partner for enterprise services is Leader Pohjoinen Lappi (PLL). PLL provides professional counselling and advice services for companies. Other key cooperation partners include the Northern Lapland Employment and Economic Development Office and the Regional Council of Lapland.

Sparring businesses

Developing your business often requires tailor-made solutions and in-depth understanding of the current situation, potential markets, marketing efforts, investment needs and many other important contributing factors. In a situation like this it maybe helpful to look for external assistance and sparring.

In case you need assistance with the development of your company you can contact us. Our staff with good local knowledge and experience is at your service. We can also contact the experts from our cooperation partners when needed.

(Business plan in English)

 (Business plan in Finnish)

Business plan (.pdf)
Business plan (.docx)
Business Pilot ((in English)
Yritystulkki, liiketoimintasuunnitelma, business plan (in Finnish)

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Business advisor
Jonna Ylimaunu
Tel. +358 45 610 1225

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